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Studio BOCCA


University of Tennessee at Martin Voice Area

Your Success 


Here at UTM, our goal is to make you the best musician, artist, and music educator you can be. We do that through a rigorous schedule of classes, individual lessons, ensembles, performances, and most importantly, practicing. Music is a discipline. Your love for this art form carries you through the difficult times when you need to be studying or practicing even though would rather be doing something else. The time you spend practicing is the time you spend investing in your future. It is your time to progress. You see, as a music major, your day does not end simply because all of the classes are done for the day. Evening performances, ensemble/production rehearsals, and individual practicing continue often until the the building closes.

Being a music major is a committment to something greater than yourself. It is a committment to excellence. We are committed to providing you with an excellent education. We ask that you committ to striving towards excellence in your own work. If you do not feel you are able to maintain such a high standard of work, a degree in vocal music is not for you.


The Voice Faculty
Student success is our main priority. Our goal at UTM is to make sure that you successfully complete your degree in a reasonable amount of time. As such, we are always checking in with students, working with students, and talking with students to make sure that they are staying on top of their work. If you need help, our office hours are posted outside our door and our contact information is always available. In fact, in my studio, all of my students have my cell phone number. As long as it is not abused, they are free to contact me with questions, concerns, or anything else that might require my assistance. Always remember, we are here to make sure that you have all the help you could possibly need to succeed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Auditions & Scholarships


Students who wish to specialize in vocal studies at UTM will need to schedule an audition with our voice faculty. The audition requirements are two songs in contrasting styles, preferably from the standard classical repertoire (in any language), such as opera or oratorio arias, or art-songs. Broadway musical selections and traditional spirituals are acceptable as well. All pieces should be performed from memory. An accompanist will be provided to assist you at the audition.


There are many scholarship opportunities for students entering UTM as freshman music majors. Some are participation awards for singing in one of our ensembles, others are based on high school grades, ACT score, and musical achievement (i.e. All-West, All-State). [PLEASE NOTE: A minimum score of 22 is required in order to be admitted into the education program at UTM in their junior year. It is recommended that students complete this hurdle before entering college. For music majors specifically, a higher ACT score has been shown to be a good indicator of a student's success in our program.] 



Social Media

Below is a link to the UTM Music Department Prosepctive Student Website. It contains even more information about auditions, scholarships, and much more:

And don't forget to join us on Facebook: 

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